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When and Where
  • PV Zoom Meeting

Accelerators are specifically designed to help new and seasoned members gain tools and best practices to get the most value out of membership, including, how to make a valuable referral, give a proper testimonial, get the most out of a troika, guesting strategies, how to introduce yourself memorably, and much more. Led by ProVisors Staff and/or Group Leaders, Accelerators are small, interactive workshops typically attended by 15-25 members.

PV Zoom Meeting Information:

Join Zoom Meeting


Dial by your location

    +1 669 900 6833 US

    +1 312 626 6799 US 


Meeting ID: 918 4737 9678

Join the meeting by video via the link above.

Or, by phone using the dial in number and meeting ID shown above.

Confirmed Attendees