Event has been already closed.
When and Where
  • Pacific
  • PV Zoom Meeting
  • 10/13/2024 11:30 AM PDT


The Innovation Affinity Group is a collaborative forum for like-minded members to discover and exchange ideas and business opportunities at the cutting edge.

We think about Innovation as the creation of new economic value from the application of better solutions. We look at the entire process of identifying a problem or opportunity, developing ideas, creating the solution, and bringing that solution to market. Innovative solutions can take the form of more-effective products, processes, services, technologies, and business models. Our group consists of a carefully curated roster of ProVisors members who strive to be relevant to the above mission and to deliver innovative value to their clients.


Please visit https://pviag.com for a list of past and future scheduled meeting topics, plus other information about the Innovation Affinity Group. Choose the meeting date(s) and topics that interest you most!


We welcome you to request official membership in our group after attending at least 3 meetings as a guest.

To register as a guest, please complete the following steps in this order:

1. Check https://pviag.com to choose from a list of upcoming meeting topics that interest you

2. Read this page to prepare for a rewarding meeting experience

3. Submit your guest request through the ProVisors hub


We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month:

Networking 11:30am-12:00pm

Meeting 12:00pm-1:30pm PT

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 864 3890 6269

Passcode: 191259


Please refer to pviag.com

Event Leader

Please follow the instructions above before contacting Mark directly for group registration assistance.

Mark Wald


Enterprise-Level Accounting for Startups, Small Business, and Nonprofits


(310) 625-6262

Confirmed Attendees